Tuesday, January 9, 2018

You look good for your age or age ain't nothin' but a number

Happy New Year gorgeous family and friends. The year is off to an ice cold start. My gay BFF sent me a text last week asking if I knew how cold it was in New York. I replied ICE COLD. He laughed then added that it was so cold gay guys were declining random hook ups! Cleary the weather caused tragedies both large and small along the eastern seaboard.

As the snow and ice rolled in thoughts of New Year's resolutions remained top of mind. I threw out the concept of a resolution and focused on goals, dreams and tactics. I thought instead about how best to challenge myself and summon the strength and grace to plough through the inevitable obstacles that will come.

Me using my favorite Instagram filter
I hit a milestone birthday last month. I turned forty-five. As I enjoyed my birthday spa day a friendly lady sat in the pedicure chair next to me. We started speaking and I told her I was celebrating my birthday. She asked how old I was. I hesitated to say because people make such a big deal when I do. I have heard comments such as, "Wow you look good for your age", which although a compliment is not exactly what I look forward to hearing on my birthday. I resisted, but when she mentioned being an older mom I came out with it. The lady painting my toes the fiery red Ryan likes stopped what she was doing and called Susan and Patty to come look at the forty-five year old lady who looks twenty-eight. All sorts of questions followed until I was able to change the topic to something less objectifying.

When the attention was off me at last she asked in a hushed tone what's your secret. Then stopped short and said clearly it is your genes. I said yes some of it is genes, but I do have a borderline obsession with my skin. She wanted to know more. I told her about the grandmother who looked at least twenty years younger and insisted on only drinking room temperature water instead of cold water even during the warmer months. I would hesitate on calling it the fountain of youth, but I think she was onto something.

In the days following my birthday I thought about ways to improve the clarity of my skin because (a) there are no filters in real life and (b) the most important part of a good regimen is consistency. Korean skin care remains a staple in my skin care arsenal because it is wallet friendly, effective and exotic. Today I found myself at the local Ulta today under the guise of browsing, but who am I kidding. I was lucky to make it out of there without all the colors in the new LancĂ´me Shaker Liquid Lipstick collection. I ask who among you can walk out of Ulta or Sephora with an empty pair of hands? I salute those of you who can. Wherever you may be. Exercising a herculean level of restraint, I stocked up on Tony Moly Sheet masks and headed to the register. They were buy one get one half off. I have used a few different sheet masks over the years, but today along with facial sheets I also grabbed "Peeling Shoes." They are sheet masks for your feet. I do not know which genius Korean scientist created these but, I hope to one day thank her on Instagram. I CANNOT wait to try them because it is never too early to start getting your feet ready for summer.

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