Monday, January 22, 2018

There are no heating pipes down here

Saturday after the vision board party I felt so alive. I was elevated to a higher frequency. Chronically cold between October and March not matter what, I suddenly had hot feet. The soles of my feet felt as if I was standing on heating pipe. Savannah has a sub-tropical climate. There are no heating pipes in houses. My reality glowing with expectation of the massive possibilities ahead of me. Sunday came and went. I was focused on the important call a local recruiter scheduled with me for Monday. That was today.

I prepared for the call as is my way. Laptop, hard copy of my resume, my new Lilly Pulitzer planner and phone all on hand. I eagerly watched the clock on my iPhone change to 10:00am. I took so much pleasure last week when my 10:00 called me at 10:00 on the dot. I returned the favor. We chatted briefly before getting down to my resume and more importantly what kind of work do I want to find. We went over the economics of the area. The small market for a person with my skills. The competition from the universities in the area. All facts that drain my life force, and brought that winter chill back to my feet. She sounded hopeful, but the words she said sounded hopeless. Just more confirmation of what I have experienced over the past year.

After we hung up I looked at my planner to see what else I had planned for the week. I felt the opposite of what I felt on Saturday. I would certainly prefer to start a business while I have a job, but that just might not happen. I heard Sara Blakely, the creator of Spanx on radio yesterday. She detailed the challenges she faced and the risks she took to bring her vision to life. She made it sound doable. As if anyone one with an idea, drive and support could make it happen.  I have to stay close to the fuel that keeps the vision alive.

My vision board from the party

I signed up for another Hilary Rushford class. She's a stylist, blogger and IG guru. I posted a picture from Glennon Doyle's IG page about the women's March and she noticed. Entrepreneurs are everywhere making a living from their ideas. I want to feel that sense of success. There are days such as Saturday when I feel I can do this. Then I have days like today when I wonder if it's a pipe dream.