Tuesday, January 16, 2018

What happened next was unexpected

I spent the last 90 minutes alternating between being a fan girl and budding entrepreneur. I have not eaten yet, but my I am buzzing with energy. When I moved to Italy with my chemically treated hair I worried if I would find someone to take care of it. I was convinced that someone was not me or Ryan. The search was exhausting, and I was not alone. One of my friends had her brother fly from his salon in Atlanta, GA to Vicenza, Italy to do several of the other black girls' hair. That was not a sustainable practice for him.

Ryan helped me a few times but, eventually I took matters into my own hands. As is the custom in our times I googled how to self relax kinky hair. That quick search led me here. This site is an amazing resource. Back in 2011 it focused primarily on hair, but evolved to encompass skincare, supplements and entrepreneurship. She detailed her journey of quitting her high powered corporate job to focus on her "side hustle." Her "side hustle" includes a proprietary blend of hair oil, bamboo tea and supplements. I bought the tea. It has a mild flavor, but the benefits include longer, thicker hair AND nails. Nadege is such an inspiration. I interact with her occasionally online, but in putting my no-fear practice into action I reached out to her on Instagram about the business ideas I have. I sent her a link to my blog and asked her to comment. Then I waited.

What happened next was unexpected. She responded quickly asking if we could chat because she had a lot of questions for me. I was beyond excited and tumbled head first into full on fan girl mode. We messaged back and forth a few times to accommodate our schedules. We agreed upon 10 am Tues January 16, 2018. Today! I was thinking about it all weekend long. I created an outline for the conversation because I did not want to geek out and forget the purpose of the call, which with my excitement could happen.

I sat prepped and ready in my dinning room which I converted to a home office. My notes, phone and laptop all handy. She called at 10:00 on the dot. Her voice was relaxed and easy. I stuck to my outline and asked her to let me gush about how much I admire her before we officially started. Of course she let me and she was absolutely flattered. I moved to the next section of my outline my Italian shopping-vacation idea. She loved it and we immediately moved to who else is doing this and could I partner with her. Of course my fear that a partner would steal my idea came up, but we focused on the potential positive outcomes.

Next we discussed some of the controversial posts on her blog and how the negative comments  drove her forward. She said they pushed her to move sometimes in a different direction. She did not allow them to discourage her. She took a look at my Instagram page. She made a few comments, but the very best part was she told me how to grow my following which, was the golden nugget I have been looking for since I started this journey. Throughout the conversation she was passionate, kind and curious. We went deep at times, which I did not expect. We talked about fear. Not just how to push pass it but, how to process it. How to use it to propel forward. Toward the end of our chat she asked how I felt. I responded that I felt amazing. I announced with my chest puffed up: I possess all that I need to make my goals a reality whether it is growing my Instagram page to 1k by summer, partnering with Cheyenne on shopping vacations or monetizing my youthful looks with live stories. I was pumped. I could hear her smiling through the phone when she said great, just remember that feeling will disappear by tomorrow. I laughed so hard. She laughed too, said it again for emphasis and then added do not let the dissipation of that joy prevent you from moving forward.

Together we set a few other goals, and she told me to feel free to reach out to her again for advice or to share in the joy of the victories that will come. The most powerful advice she gave me was to create more content. She even offered to feature me on her blog once I meet my 1k followers goal.

Clearly once a month posting is not going to help me reach my goal. According to Nadege, the most successful bloggers post three times a day. Do I have that much to say? You bet I do! Stay tuned.

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