Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Ribbons, ladies and the dress

I have established that I am not working..yet. And that has been a major professional challenge for me this year. Family (and not one friend) has asked me how I spend my days. That is because my friends know about the daily challenges I faced in a new city operating as a single parent. There is not much time left over after caring for Hunter, job hunting and staying gorgeous. It takes time and effort to look good even when you do not necessarily have some place to go. Especially in this town where people are very laid back. I refuse to disparage the good folks of my town, but I will say there are a few Wal-Marts here, maybe several.

Once I found a great daycare program for Hunter, got rid of the armadillo and completed a few urgent repairs to the house some time freed up. Then Ryan came back and he needed quite a bit of care and feeding. I mean that literally. He lost almost fifty pounds in the few months he was gone. He sort of stumbled around the house the first few days trying to get reacquainted with everything to include Hunter and me. I got him sorted out, and on the first day he went back to work I exhaled deeply. It was time to get to work on me.

I took the best advice ever from one of my dearest friends  and joined Toastmasters. I won four ribbons! I hosted a welcome home party for Ryan once he was ready for outside company. I attend a few coffee and lunch networking meetings a week. I read to Hunter's class a few times a month. I also joined a meetup called Heart Centered Women. It is a group of creative women who have a vision of their best life and are looking for the roadmap to get there. Samantha started the group this summer. Her story reads like a Lifetime movie, but with a Happily Ever After (HEA). Successful New York non-profit executive ditches her-pie-in- the-sky office and the salary that comes with it, and moves to Savannah, GA to start her life coaching business. You better believe she is living her HEA. I have participated in a few of her events and you can feel the passion radiating out of her.

Samantha's third from the left.We are at a wine tasting event
Last night she offered a "hot seat" career coaching call. It was amazing. Several of us were on the call speaking about being in transition in our careers. She focused in on our fears and a surprise to no one she told us that our fears were holding us all back. Samantha encouraged..encouraged is not even the word. Samantha guided me through my fear of making a phone call to someone that can help me find my own career HEA. I feel incredibly energized today. I joined the gym. I am looking good. My muscles are clearly poppin'. Today I worked out harder than I have in a long time. I came home to make the call I have been thinking about for months. Although the woman on the other end of the line could not see me, I made sure I looked good while we spoke. It absolutely helped to boost my confidence.

I get dressed for my networking calls

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