Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Ready, aim, fire!

I almost did not write today because I could not think of what to write. Then I thought about what I did today. I sent a few pictures to a friend of my favorite pieces I bought before I left Italy. Hunter is the light of my life but, my wardrobe is my pride and joy. I did some networking and job hunting online. I made a delightful lunch for Ryan who came home early. I contemplated what I should do for my birthday next week and of course what I will do with my hair and what I will wear.

After I did all of that Ryan walked over to me and said ok I am heading out. While I was doing everything I mentioned in the first paragraph I had a scenario playing in the back of my mind. Ryan was excited to go to the shooting range. Guns still scare me, but they scare me a little less than before. This is the deep south. Did I mention there are several military bases in close proximity to my home? That is an important detail because those two facts create a space where people who are passionate about their second amendment rights choose to live. I had to get over it because the reality is just about everyone on my street has at least one firearm in their home.

When we were house hunting in March it did not escape me that every single house had had shotgun-sized safe in the closet. I asked Bonnie, our realtor, if the neighborhoods she was showing us were safe. She looked at me as if I had grown a visible third eye while I was in the closet. She said these are some of the safest neighborhoods in the country. Then why all the guns? Because our constitution says we can have them. She went on to say that there are many gun enthusiasts in this part of the country. The same part of the country that many citizens display the confederate flag. I am still sorting out all the feels about these issues, but today I supported my husband in his pursuit of happiness.

All that to explain how I ended up at the state shooting range this afternoon with Ryan. This was my second time there. It is a mildly terrifying experience. The shots ringing out are some of the loudest sounds I have ever heard in my life. Even with protective ear gear I still wince as if someone has stepped on my little toe when certain weapons are discharged. Today there was a teenage girl helping her father unload rifles from the car. It felt like an alternate universe. It felt scary. I did not feel welcome the first time and less so when Ryan asked me to help pick up the casings that weapons discharged. Today I felt a little more relaxed. Not exactly my idea of a good time, but as you know I am the kind of woman who will try anything once or twice.

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