Tuesday, May 28, 2013

It's Tuna Tuesday

Every year I try to out do myself for Ryan's Birthday with a big surprise. Two years ago I had big flat screen TV and matching stand delivered to the apt. Ryan was exhausted from the night before and happened to be asleep when it came. When he woke up I blindfolded him and placed him in front of the TV for the big reveal. He loved it!

Last year I got all of his best friends together at his favorite pizza place for a surprise dinner. They are Italian so their arrival times kept getting later and later. Back at the ranch I tried to stall him. Eventually he said he was starving and began to make his way down to Vesuvio's. Halfway there I told him I had to come back to change my shoes, and that he had to come with me. Eventually we made it to the restaurant and he was surprised. I also bought him a meat grinder. He had been talking about one for months. Now we make homemade ground beef.

Surprising this guy on his birthday is a challenge. This year his birthday is this Thursday. Last week I tried to secure a reservation at his favorite seafood restaurant for Thursday. Ryan loves the fresh tuna at this place. The problem was Claudio, the chef/owner, could not be sure he would have tuna on Thursday. He could promise me tuna on Tuesday. I made the reservation for Tuesday feeling secure in my efforts to surprise Ryan. He would never suspect a surprise dinner the Tuesday before his big day. Then the unexpected happened:

Me: Hi honey. How was your day?
Him: Fine. I bought fresh tuna for dinner
Me: But my friend Yumi is making us dinner. She wants us to meet her family visiting from Korea
Him: Oh can we go another time. I got fresh tuna from the pesceria. It's tuna Tuesday!
Me: But she made all this food
Him: But it's tuna Tuesday....

We went into the kitchen to inspect the tuna. It did look quite fresh.

Him: See, it's tuna Tuesday
Me: I lied. I made reservations at Claudio's. It's tuna Tuesday...

He vacuum froze the tuna. We leave for Claudio's in a few minutes.

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