Thursday, December 13, 2012

Email repost on the goings on

I have not posted in awhile because there has been a lot happening.  A dear friend firmly requested an update. It's easier to just post my note to him than to craft a new post. Enjoy!

Hi J_____!

To be perfectlyhonest I saw your message on Thanksgiving afternoon. I read halfway throughit and began to feel very emotional. So I stopped reading and went on withmy plans to see the final installment of the Twilight Saga. Our dear friendKStew was surprisingly good. I wouldn't call her performance memorable, butI left satisfied. It certainly was not the fiasco Snow White and theHuntsman was. Remember when we went to see that together in the summer? I miss those times with you. Your friendship was and continues to be very important to me.

The job is fantastically rewarding. I am having a great time. I teamed upwith a former colleague for a new initiative we are calling F2F. See article here.It was a great event, and the boss loves it. Also I a m going to my first real live ball tomorrow. I have never been to a military ball before so you canimagine the excitement. In the civilian world I have been to lots of galasand award ceremonies but, I am looking forward to the pomp and circumstanceof an official Army ball. The hunt for an appropriately glamorous ensemblewas laborious. I ordered copy of an Angelina Jolie dress from China, butthen worried it wouldn't get here in time I ordered a backup dress fromMacy's just in case. The dress from China was a very poor imitation ofAngelina's dress, but the backup Macy's dress needed a shawl. Anotherintense pursuit of said shawl ensued. I finally found a shawl last night.

Also on my agenda is my trip home. My mother wanted to have a huge catered affair in New York to celebrate. As the price tag and political drama of who NOT to invite raged, I bowed out and announced that Ryan and I would be in Vegas for my birthday. There was some gnashing teeth and tsk, tsk, tsking, but the party planners all managed to get over themselves. There is still so much more to tell you, but I have to get back to work now.I miss you, and think of you often. I had a few moments this week when I thought what would Jerry do. To be truthful I alternated between you and Beyonce. From my foxhole (Army word I learned this week) you both make very good decisions :o)


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