Saturday, December 15, 2012

A real live Military Ball

And there you have it, the official picture from our very first military ball. It was a huge affair with over 300 guests. All of the Soldiers were in their Army Service Uniforms. It ran a little short on pomp and circumstance, but it did include a speech from General Hamm, the four-star General and a presentation of the colors.

With the dress saga behind me I was able to enjoy a fun night and experience Army formal social culture. I think I saw my first lesbian couple out at a formal event. One dressed in uniform and the other barely dressed in a very revealing sequined cutout gown. I know this comment is worthless without a picture but, it was impossible to take a picture without them noticing.

I was waiting for the bathroom when they came in after me. I stepped outside to wait with them to get the story when they asked me to take their picture. Stunned I said sure. They snuggled up close for the picture, then the Soldier spanked the bombshell on the butt. Then another female Solider walked over and she introduced the bombshell as her SISTER. My mouth fell open. Her sister? I have never seen anyone behave that way with their sister before in my life. I left the line because the statement relieved my need to use the restroom. Her sister? Really?

DADT is dead but, I have not seen any same sex couples or met any out lesbians or gay boys in uniform to date. I keep hoping though. Keep hope alive!

After a few courses of food and mingling with the friends I had my fill of the event. We slipped out before the dance floor opened.  Ryan had a few drinks and I was the DD for the evening. It was a cold, rainy night, and I continue to broaden my driving experience. The winding roads on the way home induced outright panic, but having Ryan next to gave me the confidence to take a few sharp turns and bang a few Uies that I would normally avoid.

The dress I wore is by no means a fashion favorite, but it was the best I could do on short notice through the mail. The other female attendees ran the gamut from sweater dresses to full sequined gowns with fascinators. Would I have done anything differently? No. Would I go again? Probably not.

The highlight of the evening was running into my boss and his wife. My boss made an astute observation. He said that he and his wife are the mirror image of Ryan and I. My boss is the extrovert while his wife is the introvert. I am the extrovert while Ryan is the introvert. It was a funny thing say especially because it is true.

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