Saturday, January 21, 2012

Third time is a charm in Milan

Just back from my third trip to Milan. The first time I went I was an undergrad spending a semester abroad in Rome. It was one of the those wild adventures you have in your 20s.

My best friend Kris at the time and I would go to the train station and hop on the first train leaving. On our Milan trip we met these Turkish guys on the train. Kris had these amazing green eyes that always garnered lots of attention. Any who, theTurkish guys took us to one of the trendiest bars in town where we danced until dawn. The next morning we snuck a peak at Leonardo's Last Supper. This was before the extraordinary restoration project, and we just wanted to check the box that we saw it. We spent the rest of the day walking around looking for the fashion district. We never found it. I left thinking Milan was a much over hyped big city.

The second time I was in Milan Ryan and I decided to go at the last minute..without a plan..for about three hours. This was not a good idea, and we did not have much fun. Three hours is not enough time to see anything. We ended up in a crummy part of town at a bar that served great bacaro, which is heavy tapas. I left with the same mediocre impression of the city.

As they say, the third time is a charm. This time I planned things a lot better. I bought tickets for one of the trips the Army base organizes as part of its Outdoor Recreation program. The Army organizes the transportation, entry tickets and guided tours for Soldiers and civilians. We typically do not go on these trips because most of your time is not your own. They are well suited for those who enjoy traveling dependently. Ryan and I are not these kind of travelers, but in this instance the organized trip was ideal.

I bought the tickets months in advance, and they included the admission to the Last Supper. This was a big plus because arranging for tickets online for admission to the church where the Last Supper is can be a hassle. Since the restoration the Italians are meticulous about the viewing process. We also decided we would leave the group, and head to lunch on our own after the tour.

We picked Colline d' Oro. We love Asian food and it is almost nonexistent in Vicenza. Trip Advisor promised an experience not to be missed. Colline d' Oro lived up to the high expectations. And I finally discovered what all the the hype about fashion in Milan is about. People were impeccably stylish, but also La Rinascente in Milan was the most incredible department saw I have ever seen in my entire life. There was not enough time for me to handle my shopping business, but now I know exactly where to go next time.

Ryan would like me to mention the toddler who screamed as though a demon possessed him for most of the three hour ride..each way, but I won't because the memory causes me to shudder a little.

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