Sunday, October 23, 2011

The inside track to Italian style

I have had a lot of good Saturdays, but yesterday was terrific in a new way. I have a list of things I want to do with my life. Things that are important for me to look back on with satisfaction. It all started two weeks ago as Ryan and I strolled arm-in-arm down Corso Palladio, Vicenza's main pedestrian artery. I like to look in all the shop windows, but Max Mara is my favorite. I get inspiration on what colors, cuts and lengths will be in for the season. Two weeks ago I saw an exciting array of camel colored, calf-length coats. The window looked like this I went home fantasizing about all the things that would match with a camel coat. My fantasy looked like this On Friday I decided to move out of the fantasy lane.

I have always wanted to find the inside track to Italian style. The Italians have an impeccable sense of style. They pair beautiful things effortlessly, and it costs a lot of money to do that as well as they do. I have suspected that they all don't have that many Euros on hand for shopping. I was still at a loss for how they accomplish so much style with store prices being so high, especially at stores such as Max Mara and Bruschi. Those are the big names on Corso Palladio. (It's a small town. Don't judge me.)

I asked Andreina for help. She is the most stylish Italian I know. I just came right out with it Friday: Nice jacket. Where can I get a nice winter coat? She paused. I approached the border with that question. Now I would have to see if the relationship I built with Andreina over the last year would grant me entry to Italian fashion secrets. She eyed me suspiciously then said: "Max Mara. They have very nice coats there." My heart began to sink as my ears listened for the finality in her voice. It was not there. Then she asked,"Do you know Diffusion Tessile?" This was it. The moment I had been waiting for. I was about to crossover into the heart of Italian style territory. I had to be careful though. I could not be appear too eager or excitable. Casually I responded, "Where is it?" Within minutes she drew me map with three roundabouts off the major highway in Vicenza.

I spent the afternoon at Diffusione Tessile. It's the factory store for wait for it: Max Mara! It is an amazing one room, one floor, freestanding building with boots, bags, coats, underwear, hats, suits, belts and gloves. They have everything. The quality and variety of clothing and accessories housed in there is staggering. The prices were pleasing reasonable. I left Diffusione Tessile with a fabulous camel coat and dark brown gloves to match at less than half the price of the Max Mara options on Corso Palldio. I am beginning to really like it here. Pictures of me and my coat to follow...

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