Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Their hostility was barely contained

When I was in college I almost joined ROTC. Wooed by my father's adventures in the Army, and seeking a sense of belonging I did not find in HS, I thought the Army might be the answer for me. My college roommate's mom found out about our interest in the Army and instilled us with fear and dread so fierce we forgot the whole thing.

My one year anniversary of being in Vicenza will be in here in about a month. I gradually increased my direct exposure to soldiers and all that goes along with that. There have been times that things have gone faster than I expected. Like the time my boss felt confident enough for me to present to 200 hundred soldiers recently back from Afghanistan. Of course I did a great job but, I won't soon forget the terror I felt when all those uniforms stared at me.

These days I don't think twice about standing up in front of a room full of soldiers. Yet new challenges appear that shake me out of my comfort zone often. Challenges that make me silently thank my roommate's mom for talking me out of ROTC.

Today I found myself on the other side of the table in a Chain of Command meeting. I was not providing them with essential information for their unit or company. I was there to advocate for a soldier in their company who wants to move to another base. They want her out of the military. Full Stop. They are bearing down on her with the full force of what I heard female soldiers in infantry units dealt with in the bad old days.

Those guys were on their best behavior. Soldiers guys that intended to chew her out today. That was their plan until I showed up. My presence held them accountable for each word that fell from their lips. Their hostility, however, was barely contained.They don't want her to be there. They didn't want me to be there as they told her how hard it would be for her to stay in the unit and pull her own weight. I shielded her today from what would have been a very unpleasant and unfair experience. Life sucks for her right now, but my actions today made it suck just a little less. I will fall asleep with her on my mind tonight. I will drift off peacefully knowing I helped to get through today.

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