Friday, July 2, 2021

That time I got the COVID-19 vaccine was the worst...

woke up sexy AF again. Last time on TCWSTC I was recovering from the second dose of the most expensive vaccine in history. Remember that? Well, I can't forget it. I have a great reason for keeping it fresh in my memory. I said I was on the mend but, I was sick for another TWO WEEKS. I had most if not all of the side effects for two weeks. I couldn't eat. I had no appetite. The sight of food made me nauseous. Inside my mouth everything tasted like ash or like I had been chewing it forever and still couldn't swallow. I had brain fog. I couldn't remember basics like how to talk. My thoughts came slowly. Searching my brain for words and concepts was a strangeness I disliked. I was also emotional because I didn't want folks to worry. I put on a brave face at work but, thought I was dying slowly every day for two whole weeks. I'm not altogether sure how I survived it. I had neighbors help one afternoon when I was too sick to drive to pick Hunter up from the YMCA. Then I forgot I asked her to help and wondered out to the driveway in my pajamas. 

sick but alive
I did the best I could for two weeks, which fortunately was good enough to take care of me and Hunter. According to some anecdotal research, my response is typical if you had COVID previously. Insert eyeball emoji here. There was the trip to Amelia Island in early February last year before things got crazy that I got sick. Not much of a cough, but most of the other symptoms. It was still too early to think it was seriously COVID, but it does make sense of how hard the side effects hit me. 

Thankfully, I had a full and robust recovery. Things are back to normal here. Traffic is everywhere. Most people have stopped wearing masks and those floor stickers warning us to stay six feet apart are finally gone. Sometimes there are specific food shortages at the supermarket. Apparently, cat food is a low priority for manufacturers, and gas prices are steadily creeping up. Things are certainly in recovery. We are in a much better place than we were this time last year. The delta variant may be cause for the return to hypervigilance, but as always taking it one day at a time. 

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