Saturday, April 7, 2018

The opportunity of a lifetime is within my grasp

Last time on "The Cat Who Swallowed the Canary" I was in a meeting that I thought was a job interview. Reminds me of the time I thought I was on a date with someone who thought we were just friends. Man, that was a bad night, but I digress. Thankfully this scenario has a much better finale. As it turns out the CEO was looking for a brand consultant. Someone who could take stock of the organization and take it to the next level. And just like that the opportunity of a lifetime was in my grasp. It blends everything I have been working towards professionally and personally. All the prayers, all the networking and all the brainstorming finally made sense.

I left the meeting buoyed with optimism and pride that I created an opportunity that did not exist before I walked into that space. He took the meeting out of curiosity, but my suggestions were creative and persuasive enough that he wanted me to work with him, not for him. The role as Creative Director and Consultant is only a few hours a week, but they are of my own design. I went home and thought through what I wanted to accomplish. It is a large task, but I focused on a few areas where I can have a large impact. My proposal included an hourly wage, scope and timeline. He agreed to all in writing with very little fanfare. Outwardly I handled it as a seasoned professional, but inside I was a giddy little girl twirling in her favorite ruffled dress. This is perfect for me, but not enough for me at the same time. I need to work, but I also need a great deal of flexibility because with Ryan gone I am essentially a single parent. I have should have warned you; Capricorns with rising Libras are complicated.

This new endeavor has attracted some interesting attention. A friend asked me for help with his start up. I can hardly believe I wrote that. Yes, someone I know pro-cas (professionally-casually) wants to structure his start up so that I have shares in exchange for my expertise. This is an amazing opportunity that takes me into a dizzying wormhole of possibilities. I am not convinced I have the time to get involved, but I am on long calls with the team deep into the night strategizing how to create buzz around this parking idea. I have plenty on my plate and it could be a while before there is an app and it goes live and contracts are signed. I talk myself out of every call, but talk all night we do, and after every call I wonder how I will feel if I opt out and it is the next Uber, without all the gross stuff of course. Decisions. Decisions. Decisions.

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