Friday, March 9, 2018

Sold to the lady from the great State of New York

Let's get right to the point shall we. I had my wisdom teeth removed on Monday. I put off having them removed for years. I erroneously believed they belonged in my mouth because they grew there. Over the years I have dealt with the difficult ups and downs of them erupting to the surface. The pain oscillated between excruciating and mind numbing every few months. But the procedure to have them removed filled me dread. I put it off every year at my annual check up. Well dear reader that train came to a screeching halt at my recent trip to the dentist. I have early stage gum disease. Yikes!

My dentist strongly recommended I have the offending teeth removed as soon as possible. I was still skeptical about the procedure until I went for my consult with Dr. T. He was affable, professional and Australian. He systematically allayed every fear I had about oral surgery. He expertly outlined the procedure to include a low dose, pre-op tranquilizer the morning of the surgery. SOLD to the lady from the great State of New York! The worst part of a medical procedure is the anxiety about what could potentially go wrong. What's that you say? The recovery is the worst. No, that is why pain medications exist--along with the opioid crisis. #keepingit100

Monday was D-day. I started my cocktail of tranquilizers and analgesics first thing in the morning. The rest is as they say is a blurry haze. Ryan drove me to my appointment, waited for me to be done and drove me home. I have spent the last four days recovering. I have eaten plenty of bananas, mashed potatoes and ice cream. Folks warned me it could be two weeks before I felt normal again. Apparently some people sleep it off and go to work in the morning. 

I was up and moving on Wednesday. Not because I felt better, but because I signed up for a HubSpot marketing workshop and was not going to miss out. I made it, but definitely pushed myself a little too hard. Savannah is a hotbed of startups and the like. Workshops featuring entrepreneurs, their peers and wannabees such as your truly flock to these events. We were a small group of eagers excited to be in our coveted spot. When I got home I was limp. I still got a lot out off the workshop and even made a fortuitous professional connection. He is a Savannah College of Art And Design professor who launched an arts advocacy organization. 

I took easy it yesterday, and started eating solid foods today. I had a giant turkey and cheese sandwich with mayonnaise, lettuce and tomato. Life is good. 
A thing of beauty

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