Monday, January 28, 2013

If you don't post a pic on FB did it ever happen?

At the end of every year I set goals for myself. Milestones as well as small personal achievements populate the list. I did not create a 2013 list, and I'm not sure why. (Wait, I do. I was too busy having a good time in Vegas and New York to worry about making lists...) Instead while we were in New York over the holidays we agreed that we need to make a greater effort to travel, especially during the low season when tickets and hotels are cheapest.

The trip to New York was eventful and upon my return to Vicenza I was easily engrossed with work. A week before Martin Luther King Jr. day Ryan asked what happened to our grand plan to take advantage of the long weekends. I did some research and found a pair of cheap tickets to Barcelona. With the tickets out of the way I went apartment hunting. This site is my favorite. It is easy to navigate and the owners are responsive. Within 24 hours I found a terrific two bedroom apartment in the Born district of Barcelona. It's a trendy neighborhood with an obvious bohemian bent. Lots of narrow streets lined with tatoo parlors, bakeries and art galleries. Surprising little squares populated with seesaws and running children.

The apartment was exactly as it was advertised. A perfect, modern hide way with all the amenities we needed. A spacious fridge, large bathroom with a heated towel rack, Wifi and a huge bed. There was the issue of the fifth floor walk up, but it was quiet and peaceful up there. We even had a second bedroom, but the apartment wasn't quite big enough for us and another person.

We immediately spotted Mosquito on our first venture around the neighborhood. I love Asian food but, most of the time I think Vietnamese is my favorite, but don't hold me to that. The shrimp dumplings at Mosquito were delightful. Robust flavor and good construction do a good dumpling make! The beef Pho is also another treasure. A complex broth with tender beef served with a plate of Pho fixins: cilantro, basil, bean sprouts and a few scary slices of chili peppers.

There were a few other restaurant visits on this trip, but it is easy to say this was the most memorable. 

Upon my return one of my friends asked if I took pictures of anything else besides food. I did but, I didn't post them on Face Book. Which leads to an interesting question: If you don't post a picture on Face Book did it really happen?

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