Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I am ashamed to admit this

I like to follow beautiful women. There I said it. I like to follow beautiful, well dressed women around, and today I got exactly what I wanted from her. This is not the first time I have done this. I have followed impeccably dressed women around in New York, Paris, Lima,Tunis and lots of other places, but they never led me anywhere interesting. Usually I follow them until they notice me and I stop or get lost.

Today I went out to pay my cell phone bill because my account was compromised last month and I had to get a new card. This is the first time this ever happened to me. I was walking to the Vodafone store when I saw this dark haired, six foot tall Italian woman. I have seen her before. She's not easy to forget with those legs. It was freezing today, and she was wearing these comfy shearling boots with extra socks and tights and a clingy mini skirt. On top she was wearing a short leather jacket trimmed with fox fur. I wondered how she came to be so effortlessly stylish. She was walking much faster than I was, but I kept up analyzing all the details of her outfit. She abruptly turned into the shoe store on the corner. I never go into that shoe store. There are too many choices in there. I don't want Ryan to ever see me in the rapture of my shoe compulsion..before or after, but when the glamazon walked in there I knew I had to follow. She zeroed in the pair of boots I spotted earlier this week. I went to pay my cell phone bill, and when I came back she was still in the store. I went in and bought the boots. It's not like I had a choice! She watched me strut around in my brown suede boots and asked the shop boy if he was sure they did not have a size 10. He assured her that they did not. I guess there are some drawbacks to being six feet tall.

I came home feeling right as rain with my brown suede, fur trimmed boots. Photos to come.

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