Saturday, August 27, 2011

On becoming superhuman

As part of my DIY hair journey I have taken a keen interest in how what I put in my body affects what comes out of my body. Unfortunately I have have a plethora of food allergies that result in unsightly skin reactions such as hives, eczema and the occasional welts. This keeps me keenly aware of the ingredients in the foods in my diet. I know what not to eat, but I was not in the habit of researching TO eat. I know fruits and vegetables are part of a balanced diet, and a daily multivitamin helps to fill in the the gaps, but I hadn't bothered to learn about the vitamins and minerals that can improve your skin, nails and hair.

A few years ago, I went to Iquitos, Peru and spent several days in the Amazon. One of those days included a healing ritual with Cesare, a well known local shaman. At the time I didn't realize it, but my life was about to change. I returned to my job in finance a week or so later. Nothing much had changed at the office. What had changed was how I felt about my body. I wanted to make it better.

I began taking Trader Joe's hair, nail and skin vitamins. I didn't pay much attention to the ingredients, but my mom encouraged me because one of the primary ingredients was biotin. She lives by the biotin code. I did no observe any difference other than hair sprouting on my toes after a few weeks, so I stopped taking them.

Fast forward to a few weeks ago. Because I have not honed my DIY hair regimen, I decided that it is necessary to grow more hair than I lose as I experiment with new products and solidify my regimen. Last month I learned about an important mineral called silica. My preliminary research revealed it helps to maintain connective tissue within the body. Further research revealed it also has powerful effects on hair, nails and skin. Ryan already had a multivitamin which contains trace amounts of silica, but silica is most potent when consumed in gel form.

A health obsessed-colleague has joined me on my quest for radiant skin and luscious hair. She placed an order with Vitacost for silica gel. It arrived last week. Within a few days the quality of my complexion improved dramatically. My body felt different in a way that is difficult to describe. I felt spungy/cushioned, more sturdy inside. It feels as if I am infused with moisture inside my bones, and the increase makes me feel stronger. I feel better obviously, and I was not at all sick when I started taking the silica. If these are the effects after a week, I am certainly on my way to becoming superhuman in a month.

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