Tuesday, November 2, 2010

L'Acqua alta

Just back from a walk to investigate the flooding and the rumors of flooding. At first there was nothing out of the ordinary, but as we progressed to the main bridge we saw a tent set up for a base camp as the fire department command station. Several fire fighters, dressed in scuba gear, were loading an inflatable boat into a truck. As an aside, does anyone else see the irony of the firefighters in scuba suits? I digress, at the end of the road there was a very serious looking blockade. We couldn't even get close enough to see how high the river was.

As we gathered our thoughts on what to do next, go home and bake bread with the homemade yeast Ryan made (Actually it kind of made itself.) or look for a custard filled donut for me to eat were a few of the ideas we tossed around when the rain started again.

The base is scheduled to be open tomorrow, but who knows if that will happen considering the persistent downpour.

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