Friday, June 15, 2018

Chinese Foods Unknown

TEDx Savannah crew

About that TEDx Savannah event I so eagerly lobbied to be part of last month. It was AMAZING. As I hoped I had the opportunity to go behind the "curtain." It was a lot of work back there. It was two days of working closely with the team who produce the event, but also time well spent with the speakers. The talks were fascinating. There was the rocket scientist who loves to paint, the Gullah descendant who works in STEM and the college professor who studies scatological iconography. It was a 48 hours I won't soon forget.

I connected with some great folks. One of them is a Chinese graduate student. Do you love Chinese food as much as I do? Have you ever gone to a Chinese restaurant and saw a massive table with only Chinese people eating dishes that were clearly not on the menu and wondered WTF? I have experienced this phenomenon several times. I have spent a good portion of my waking hours and perhaps a few sleeping hours pondering how to gain access to the hidden menu. It seemed impossible until I met Carrie (I changed her name to protect her anonymity). She was drawn to me when she heard I was from New York. I was drawn to her when I saw her amazing t-zone highlight. We discussed make-up and the eight-step Korean skincare method before turning to food just before I stumbled upon an incredible secret.

Me: How long have you been in the US?
Carrie: One year and a half.
Me: Are you wearing make up or is that your actual skin?
Carrie: Oh no! Is it too much?
Me: No, not at all. I wasn't even sure it was makeup.

That is when she pulled out her Chanel highlight palette. If you are a woman reading this you know just how intimate of an act this is. As I turned the elegant compact over in my hands I knew I had crossed an important boundary and prepared to move the discussion toward food.

Me: Do you like American food? It must be very different from food in China...
Carrie: I do like American food.
Me: I love Chinese. In New York we have great Chinese food but, I have not found any good restaurants here yet.
Carrie: I want to go to New York very much. I'm trying to get an internship there this summer. There's a very good Chinese restaurant in Georgetown. It's called Wang II.

I sat staring at her speechless. First of all I could scarcely believe I was a part of this discussion, but that is not what left me dumbstruck. I could not believe she loved Wang II. This place does not even have a website. I have been to Wang I and was not impressed so this was confusing AF. I quickly pulled it up on my phone.

Me: You go to this place? Wang II? (I jabbed at my screen with my pointy little index finger.)
Carrie: Yes, it is so good.

Perplexed, but undeterred I pushed onward. I pulled up the menu on Yelp.

Me: Carrie, can you please show me what you order when you go to Wang II? (I cradled my phone gently offering it to her with childlike gestures.)

Carrie: Ummm..well..I can' that.

Carrie's eyes began to dart around the room. Perhaps she was looking for the nearest exit because I had clearly stumbled upon one of the last remaining secrets in western history!

Me: Why not Carrie? (I was calm, struggling to drain any hint of aggression or anxiety from my voice. My voice would not betray me today.)

I tried to sound pleading. Curious, but not too curious. Concerned, but not worried.

Carrie: There's a separate menu, for Chinese.

I gasped and pulled my hand to my mouth so quickly it made a popping noise. Carrie nodded slowly reminding me of that popular Jack Nicholson gif.

I recovered from the popping gasp with such aplomb you will hug me with deep pride next time you lay eyes on my physical person. I was very cool and casual when I asked if we could go sometime and order off the special Chinese menu. She said yes and I watched as something like pride began to emerge from her eyes.

Ladies and gents when I get to Wang II and order from the Chinese menu you will be the very first to know.

Rest in peace Anthony Bourdain my food hero and inspiration.

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