Sunday, February 15, 2015

There Was and Always Is Light at the End of the Tunnel

Hunter celebrated his first birthday last month. I had big plans for his special day, but when I showed up at daycare with cupcakes for him and his friends I was met less with enthusiasm and more annoyance.

I have learned since that Hunter has a routine in place at school and me showing up with cupcakes in the middle of his lunch (that day they were having quinoa, chicken and broccoli) is confusing. It made him downright mad. He refused to eat, demanded a bottle and eventually went to sleep. I think he thought I came to pick him up to go home, and when that did not happen he demonstrated his disappointment. I ended up leaving the cupcakes for his teachers. I went back to work downtrodden. Where had I gone wrong?

But there was and always is light at the end of the tunnel. When I showed up at my regular time to pick him up he was in fantastic sprits. He was was happy to see me and his teachers said they served the cupcakes later that afternoon. One of them made him a paper hat with the number one on it. He and his friends smashed and ate cupcakes together. From the looks of it, he had a wonderful time.

For Valentine's Day his teachers asked me to come in early to help him decorate cookies. I was excited about the opportunity to share a new experience with Hunter at daycare. Below is what I found when I got there. He was covered in frosting. He did not decorate cookies. He decorated his face! As soon as he saw me he was ready to go. We cleaned up and left.

As a new mom I want everything to be perfect, but perfect for me will not always be perfect for Hunter. I am the mom, but clearly this kid is running the show. I have always had a hard time letting go. Hunter is already showing me that he is in the driver's seat. I am just here for the ride. The sooner I get used to that idea the better for me.
Hang on mommy!

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