Monday, September 4, 2023

All the Light We Can See Is for Us

Last time on The Cat I was in full bloom heading home from acupuncture and feeling not just like myself but more like a new self. Ready to celebrate coming through a health challenge. I considered what I learned about my body over the past few months. Comfort, security and strength were all diluted as I  muddled through fits of uncontrolled emotions and unease in my body. I fostered a new relationship with my body. I listened with intention to what my body was telling me to figure our what was needed. In that listening I found a deep well of courage. I know for sure the universe has my back, and with that knowledge I knew I could do anything. 

What do you do when you believe you can do anything? You go to a Beyonce concert. I won't bore you with the details of the emergency hair appointment or the the jumpsuit that languished in my closet for seven months prior to the concert. Suffice it to say I drove the 247.1 miles to Atlanta and had the time of my life.

After months of not recognizing my body, I found new regard and security than I ever before. I had come through a period of darkness and that allowed me to see more light than ever. Until next time on The Cat.