Saturday, January 24, 2015

Life with Hunter a Year Later

I had a baby last year! Now I have a one year old son. Still have trouble wrapping my head around that fact even when Hunter wakes me up at 0500hrs. I love being a mom and having a career. There are times when it's a struggle to find time in my life for all things I want and need. I have always expected a big life for myself, and the bigger this life gets the harder it is to manage. As always I made a number of resolutions at the beginning of the year. As always I want to read more books and travel to new and favorite places. New to the list was to be more physically active. Hunter gets the blame for me being lazy. It is so nice to say I can't work out because I have to be with him. After a few visits to his day care center and him ignoring me, I realized it is time for me to get back to doing fun things for myself.

Deciding to start cross-country skiing can be intimidating, but calling my friend who is always up to something is super easy. I called Susan and said count me in for whatever you are doing in the next few weeks. Before I could think more about it we were speed walking for 90 minutes twice a week in preparation for our cross-country ski trip on the Austro-Italian border. It has been the longest time since I went on a road trip with the girls. I warned them about my car narcolepsy (I fall asleep quickly in a moving car), and woke up when we got there.

What's that? What about Hunter you say? I left Hunter with his father who has been globetrotting for work most of 2014. I love both of those guys but, I needed a few days of rest and recuperation without either of them. I called a few times to check on them, but the truth is there is not a whole lot of time to talk when you are on solo duty with an infant. Ryan gave me a few updates, but we were both focused on what was in front of us.

I came back from my trip reenergized and ready for Hunter's one year birthday party at school. I ordered cupcakes for him and his friends to celebrate after lunch, but you know that saying about the best laid plans? Well that happened. Hunter was not interested in me or the cupcakes. Perhaps it was the quinoa at lunch that upset him. Whatever it was,he was feeling much better today when we took him over to spend the day with his godmother. Happy one year birthday Hunter!