Friday, September 27, 2013

Tunnel Vision

Me, Kennedy and my trusted feline companion, Frank
Life is this amazing journey. It is akin to driving through a curve in tunnel where you can only see a few feet ahead of you. At other times you can make out the light at the end. Tomorrow I will be five months pregnant. As I move into this next stage of life I feel very much like I am in the curve of the tunnel, not quite sure what is around the bend. In an effort to extend my vision I scheduled an ultrasound. This will give me a little more information about was is around the bend.

I left work right on time today, but saw a dear friend as I approached my car. We started to chat about the four-day retreat we facilitated with 30 Soldiers, and we couldn't stop talking. Eventually the topic turned to baby KK (Kennedy King McNamara). My friend remarked that she was so excited to meet KK. So many people are waiting to see KK. It was a heartwarming moment for us both. She is a very sweet person that has become part of my little family of friends here.

I have no idea what the next few months have in store for me. I am taking it one day at time. Today someone made a joke that they should start a pool at work to guess the size of the baby. I told her how important it is for me to take this process one step at a time. I think she actually got it. As miraculous and wonderful as this pregnancy is, it's still terrifyingly scary too. Taking it one step at time is certainly the best course of action.

Checking out at Ikea
Last weekend we took a trip to Ikea to look at cribs and other baby furniture. We came back with a pouf for my dressing room, a white bookcase, a rug and an island for the kitchen. We bought absolutely nothing for KK. Nothing. We hated the cribs there and made the excuse that we need to know if it's a boy or girl before we buy any furniture. I am partial to yellow because I have a lot yellow in my undertones, but the baby's father hates the mere idea of yellow furniture. So we wait a few days more for confirmation of what I already know. We are having a boy. I saw him in my dream and he was the most beautiful person I have ever seen.