Friday, August 10, 2012

There's no hugging at work

In my world there is no hugging at work unless that's the last time you will see that person, as in your last day. Even under those circumstances I wait until outside of the office. The Administrator at my my new office sees things differently.

She sort marched in my office this morning to find me enjoying my bagel and peanut butter breakfast treat to hand me my new Blackberry. Some office drama ensued. She's has worked for the Army for almost 20 years; many of those years in the same office. I don't blame her for being a little high strung. From what I can tell she did not expect me to tell her she was being unprofessional. I told her she is allowed to vent, but she isn't allowed to take that frustration out on me. Ever. I signed for my hardware, and she left. I went back to enjoying my delicious morning treat thinking nothing more about her eccentric behavior.

Later that afternoon as I was leaving the restroom, she approached me in the doorway. Startled, I said, "Oh!" and then, "Excuse me." She wouldn't let me by though. Then she said, "I think I need a hug."

Me: Oh well that is not at all necessary. I don't hug colleagues so you don't have to...
Her: Yes, I need a hug to know that we are ok and you are not mad at me.

I tried to reverse back into the bathroom, but then she lunged at me and threw her arms around my upper body, effectively trapping my arms to my sides, and squeezed. The whole thing happened so fast. I was still protesting when it was over.